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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No More Mondays

In the Tree House: No More Mondays

By: Samantha S. Daviss

Another weekend gone, another work week and school week begins. Unfortunately, poor Monday has gotten a bad reputation over the years. It’s the day and the morning that we all dread; jumping out of our warm cozy sheets at the crack of dawn, only to leap into the grind of life again.

Even though technically it is the second day of the week, according to the dictionary; it still gets poo-bahed for being the start of the abhorrent work week.

In the dictionary its definition is as follows:


/ˈmʌn deɪ, -di/ Show Spelled [muhn-dey, -dee] Show IPA
the second day of the week, following Sunday.

before 1000; Middle English
Mone ( n ) day, Old English mōn ( an ) dæg,  translation of Late Latin lūnae diēs  moon's day

But regardless of whether in your calendar it is the first day or the second day of your week, it still rolls around every seven days like clockwork. The dreaded day to get up, put work clothes on, not sweats or comfy clothes; the day to start our first morning off with a cup of Joe, in hopes of waking ourselves up; and the day the kiddos growl their loudest at having to roll out of bed once again and start another long week at school.

Even though it may not be our most favorite of days, it still occurs; and it is still a reminder that whether or not we want it to occur, life is a constant cycle.

But what if you had no more Mondays? How would you feel about it then? What if the previous Friday afternoon, followed by happy hour with friends was your last? What if somewhere during that beautiful sunny weekend you were enjoying with friends and family and possibly your dog, was your last; unbeknownst to you? A tragic accident was on the horizon of your fate and there was nothing you could do about it.

Or what if, you knew your Mondays were limited? You had a terminal illness with no cure, or you have been fighting the good fight to ward it off; but the previous Friday you were told by your doctor that you only had a couple weeks to live? Which means you only had two Mondays left in your life… how would you feel about those “yucky, mean old, depressing” Mondays then?

Not so bad huh?

Or what if that little person you had to drag out of bed to get prepped for school was no longer there to drag out of bed? You might just look at those Mondays a little bit differently huh?

The old adage(s) are to live life to its fullest, to make each day count, to treat each day as if it were your last. I could go on and on with the quips, quotes and clichés, but I won’t.

But I am going to tell you that no matter how tired you are from your fun weekend, or how much you are dreading that presentation you have to give to the Board of Directors at 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning…guess what, you get to do it.

My point being never take for granted what you are given to live each and every day, because one day it could be changed in the blink of an eye. It may not be an instant change, it could be a change that happens over time. Such as a terminal disease waiting to run its course; or the start of your child’s senior year, and the days that they wake up in their bed, in their room, and each cereal at your kitchen table are only numbered until it is their time to start college and their own life.

My personal adage is…Life is ever changing, and we have to learn to adapt and change with it; but never get so down on the monotony in life that your resent it, because that monotony IS life. It’s what makes every day, another day we get to live on this wonderful place we call Earth, with the ones we love the most.

So next time Monday rolls around; instead of dreading getting out of bed, maybe try looking at it as a fresh start. Another week to tackle a personal objective, or another day to see your babies’ smiling faces as they greet the morning, or just another Monday that you were blessed to experience.

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