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Monday, February 22, 2016

Play Hard

In the Tree House:
By: Samantha S. Daviss

We don’t stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
 – George Bernard Shaw

This quote is by far one of my most favorite quotes. And it is funny, it was recently backed up by some studies done that prove you will live a longer and healthier life is you play just as much as you work. The study also stated that if your child (or grandchild) asks you to play with them, stop everything you are doing and sit and play with them. Not only does it benefit you, but it does them as well. And the study showed, kids’ attention span is typically only about 15 minutes long. So who can’t spare 15 minutes out of their day to sit and put a puzzle together, or build some Legos?

I am pretty sure everyone has that kind of time. I know sometimes I am really bad about getting wrapped up in the laundry, or the cooking, or just being plan pooped after the day and I brush my kids’ requests off. But not anymore. When they ask I appease. After all, one day, very soon, I will look up and they will be gone. They will be in college starting their own lives, and soon having their own kids.

Primarily this study focused on play just as hard as you work. Really push yourself, really step outside of your comfort zone and have fun, live life, and let your inner child carry you away. I know when I am on the swing set with my boys, I have so much fun. I feel like a kid again, my stomach drops every time I swing high, and it is almost as if all my stresses, adult issues, and daily grinds disappear in the blink of an eye.

I think that is what this study has proven, if you just allow yourself to have fun, not think, and just play like you did as a kid; all your stresses and worries will subside. Therefore, resulting in a healthier happier you. And not to mention, your kids (or grandkids) will always remember you getting down on the floor with them to build a puzzle, to let them crawl in your lap to read a book, or to shoot some hoops outside.

I know as adults we are all really tired, from trying to keep up with the kids, to getting older, and the stresses life throws our way. But if you just let yourself relax and enjoy life then your mind and body will both be happier and healthier because of it.

If you think about it, some of the major corporations are tending to allow for more on-job playtime. And Google is probably the most recognized work place that does this. It is so important to allow adults play time. They need to stretch their minds beyond the cubicle. It allows for creativity, inner peace, and just a healthier person in general.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all the screens and technology. It has eased our world, and advanced us in ways that unimaginable. However, it is time to put down those devices, pick up some Legos, or a coloring book, or a basketball and go play. Let your inner kid come out.

What exactly is play and what defines it?
·         It’s voluntary in the sense that you’re not obligated to do it;
·         it’s flexible and can be changed or manipulated, like Play-Doh for your life;
·         and it’s enjoyable and fun.

Here is a great link to read, that backs up and gives more evidence to this recent study: http://www.psmag.com/health-and-behavior/throw-out-your-computer-and-grab-some-legos.

I personally think making playtime in your daily routine is just as important as incorporating exercise or work time into your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be the same thing every day, but think back on how easy life was as a kid…wouldn’t you want to feel that euphoria at least once a day?

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