In the Tree House: At 35, You Should Know…
By: Samantha Stroube Daviss
So to conclude my thoughts on life, and what you should “Have done by…” and should “Know by…35”. This list again is more inspiration from the article I read than the actual verbiage. It was more or less my springboard into allowing me to collect and write down, from my life’s experiences, what you should know by the time you are 35…
At 35, you should know….
1) How to love another, without completely losing yourself, and changing who you are for that person.
2) That you are a good person, no matter how much someone cuts you down to size. Be confident in who you are.
3) Is that just because a “friend” or a “spouse” walks out of your life, you are still a good person. There are two sides to every story, yes, but sometimes relationships just end.
4) Not to believe everything you hear. If you feel that a story or rumor about someone is false, then my theory is to always go straight to the horse’s mouth and ask the truth before you start believing what you hear. Because 99% of the time, the truth has been twisted or falsified.
5) Exactly how you feel about having kids, and are honest with your partner about it.
6) How to quit a job (with dignity and without burning bridges), break up with the opposite sex (without completely crushing them), and confront a friend about an issue (without destroying the friendship).
7) When to try harder and when to walk away. This goes back to the old saying “If you love them, set them free; if it’s meant to be, they will return”.
8) The names of the Secretary of State, your great-grandmothers, and the best coffee shop and bakery in town.
9) How to live alone, even if you don’t like it.
10) How to work outside the family business, before being groomed to take it over. It is so important to have worked for yourself or in the corporate world before working for family. You need to know that you are able to stand on your own two feet, independently.
11) That even though your childhood might not have been perfect or ideal, it’s OVER!
12) What category everyone in your life falls into; meaning, knowing who you can trust, who you can’t, and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
13) That everyone lives their lives differently than you, and not to judge, but accept and move on. You may not agree, but then again, they may not agree with your lifestyle choices either.
14) That you shouldn’t have to apologize for something you didn’t do, or isn’t your fault. Be strong, but don’t be stubborn.
15) Where to go when your heart, mind and soul need cleansing—be it your best friend’s kitchen table, a yoga mat, or a long hike into the hills.
These are just a few points that I have gathered from my time here on Earth. You may completely disagree, or one or two of them my spark a thought in your mind. But remember, the most important thing you need to know about your entire life is…to be true to yourself. Don’t rely so much on outside comments, influences, or actions to determine what you want from life and what you know is right for you.
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