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Monday, November 7, 2016

Why are you so Mean?

By: Samantha S. Daviss

So, I took an alternate route to get home the other day, because the road was blocked by a train that was stopped. It was no big deal; it didn’t upset me; I just swung around and headed home in another direction.

So as I pull on to the highway, where there is a ton of construction going on, so the normal extended lane for merging onto the highway doesn’t exist, throws me into the traffic sooner than I am able to compensate for the short “runway” of merging into the already flowing traffic. I did notice another car was coming but I was courteous and tried to judge my distance, and my lack of room for accelerating, and joined in the traffic, at a higher rate of speed as to not cause any issues.

So, the car that was coming, ran right up on my tail, and pulled to the other lane, and then wasn’t 15 feet past me, and immediately pulled right back in front of me. Now mind you, I mentioned there was traffic, because of course it is a highway; but at the time it was just myself and this other vehicle. So, there was no need for him to stay in the slow lane, ride right up on my tail, whip around me, and cut back in. The entire fast lane was wide open.

As I sat there driving down one of the major interstates in the great state of Texas, with two of my three precious cargo items in the back of my car (that being my kiddos), I thought “Self…I wonder if these people realize what they are doing when they create road rage, or road anger?”.

But seriously, do they realize it’s not a game? Do they realize they are travelling at speeds up to 80 miles per hours, in a vehicle that can weigh anywhere between 3,100 pounds (or 1.55 tons) up to 6,000 pounds (2.5 to 3 tons)? And they are just machines. They cannot correct their errors; in fact, if they are typically overcompensated, they rock and roll and could easily flip. Their brakes only react and work so quickly. They need time for your brain to think, react, apply, and the machine to actually stop.

All for what? Because someone took up a little of your space on the highway? Because your overall plan and picture driving on the highways was interrupted? The anger and impatience overwhelms me sometimes. There are small children, babies, families, and teenagers driving on the road with you. Just take a deep breath, relax and accept the fact that there will be other drivers on the road with you. 

Stop being so angry all the time.

It is one thing to be frustrated when someone blatantly cuts you off, and nearly causes a true accident, but if someone is just trying to politely merge on to the highway, and runs out of room; cut them some slack, apply your brakes, and don’t cut them off. Because, just because you are trying to get back at the person you “think” cut you off; you never know what the person in front of you will do.

What if there was an accident ahead you didn’t see, or something in the road that you needed to dodge, but instead you slam on your brakes without warning, causing the poor innocent mommy with her two babies, that you just cut off, to rear end you at the high speed of around 75 miles per hour.

All because your little “knickers” got all twisted up, your feelings were hurt, or whatever the case may be.

To you people with no patience or understanding on the roads or highways, to you I say…grow up. This is a massive machine you are driving and handling, not a bicycle; and you are not only endangering your life but those around you. Have a little compassion and understanding, please.

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