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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

They will always need you, Don’t let them stop Wanting you

Right now I am at a very pivotal point in my career (my non-writing career that is). I am in the midst of studying for the final examination for my appraisal career. It is four and a half years, 2,500 field hours, and over 200 education hours in the making. So for the past four months I have been diligently studying, reviewing, prepping, and doing anything and everything to prepare for this massive exam.

But it is not the only thing going on in my life. I still have a job, a side job, building a house, and most importantly three wonderful little boys to raise, love, and enjoy (especially over the holiday season). So even though there have been some evenings where my stress level is on full tilt, and I know I am under the gun on meeting my studying goals, I have noticed my patience are running a little more thin than usual. I am not upset with anyone, it is just the toll that stress takes on you physically and mentally.

I have tried really hard to keep my patience in check, and not get upset with the boys or my husband, but unfortunately the house, these last few weeks, hasn’t run as smoothly as they normally would. But Exam Day is noted by a huge red circle on my calendar, and that day is almost upon me; so at 2pm on that day,  I know that everything will be back to normal.

Even though this has been my primary focus, and all my extra energy, time and mental capacity has been devoted to preparing for this exam. I can’t forget the three little faces, eyes, arms that need hugs, and sweet thoughts and words need Mommy’s attention too.

I don’t want to brush off cuddle time at night, or book reading time, or “hey mom come outside and watch me shoot hoops”, or the “Momma, look at the wall I built out of my blocks”, or even the “Momma, come sit with me on the couch and watch TV”. I know they will always need me, but I don’t ever want them to stop wanting me because I brushed them off too many times. I don’t want my “I’ll be there in a minute” to turn into 15 minutes, and then it is a moot point; regardless of this exam or not, I have to remember that they have feelings too, and I need to muster up that last bit of energy at night to give them the attention they need. Even though I feel like flopping myself into my bed and not waking up for about six months.

I think it is good for my boys to see Mommy so devoted and concerned about something; it helps them realize that mommy is a real person with goals, dreams, and aspirations. But I don’t ever want them to think that anything in this entire world will ever come before them. I think this has had the biggest effect on my oldest. He keeps asking me when the test is…he tells me he is praying for me, but he has also realizes just how much mommy does for everyone around the house…and that right now, Mommy isn’t doing as much.

Don’t get me wrong, my house hasn’t turned to shambles, the laundry is getting done, the food is cooked every night, and the teeth are brushed. But it’s the little details that he is noticing, that I think are making him appreciate Mommy a little bit more lately. The laundry is done, maybe not as quickly as they would like; the food is cooked, maybe not as elaborately as it usually is; and the teeth are brushed, but the cuddle and reading time is definitely shorter.

Again though, this is temporary. But I don’t want the temporary to turn in to permanent, so I have had to be really careful that they know Mommy will always want to cuddle, to read, and to watch them shoot hoops. I don’t want them to stop wanting me.

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