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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Never Cease to Amaze Me...

In the Tree house: Never Cease to Amaze me...
By: Samantha Stroube Daviss

Mother’s Day is always such a special day. I hold it in the highest regards, along with birthdays. To me it is one of the two days a year that are just for me (along with my birthday). I love it so much because it is an honor to me to be a mother. I love the fact that there is a day devoted just to us moms, no matter what type of mother you are…to give thanks for all that we do the other 364 days out of the year.

I had a great day with my boys. It was kind of low key, but it was a good day. But the following day, I had a “Day in Dallas” with my three little guys. We all went to lunch together, and then we wandered around the mall, in and out of stores. It was so nice. We haven’t had time to do that in so long, well to be honest since there has been “my three sons”; have I had just them, all to myself with no agenda, just a fun day shopping, talking and playing on the escalators in the mall.

We stopped in a couple “big boy stores” for my oldest, and then of course we hit the Disney store for the two little ones. My middle one has recently discovered Mickey Mouse (or as he calls him…Mitty Mouse). So he was immediately drawn to any and all stuffed animals of Mickey; rapidly pulling them down off the shelves.

It was kind of funny, and then he discovered the huge TV screen that was playing “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”, which he adores. And he was absolutely entranced by it. I don’t know if it was because his favorite show was on, or that his favorite show was on a ten foot by ten foot screen.

So we finally made a decision that the middle one would get a Mickey Mouse, and the baby got a Pluto stuffed animal. I thought it only fair, since my oldest had received some things earlier, to get the little ones a “Dallas treat”. But here is where I entered the Twilight Zone…my oldest suddenly offered to pay for his little brothers’ stuffed animals.

I was shocked, stunned, floored…you name the adjective that was me. I was bowled over by this gesture. I actually started to cry in the middle of the Disney store. I know, a little humiliating to my (soon to be) 10 year old. But that was one of those moments in a mother’s career, which I was just absolutely beaming with pride.

Because not only do I have a great kid on my hands, but that means I’m doing a great job. (Excuse me while I shine my halo). But truly, I couldn’t believe it. And I absolutely insisted that he not spend his money on that, but he was determined; so I allowed it because I could tell this was really something he wanted to do, and he was so proud of himself for doing it.

It just warmed my heart to see the smile on his face when he handed his little brother his new “Mitty Mouse”. So that means all the “Leave me alone(s)”, and “Get out of my room(s)”, and “stop talking so much(es), means that he truly loves his little brothers. So now every time I look at that Mickey or that Pluto, I will always know that these three boys really do love one another.

I guess what they say is true; blood truly is thicker than water. I can only hope their love and devotion to one another stays this strong, and that the three of them will always be the best of friends, no matter where life takes them. A brotherly bond is like no other.

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